Ahhh! The mighty power of The Tripod and Self Timer! 😀 I’ve been playing around with my camera settings, shot these with the vivid setting, so it really brought out the colours. I also filmed the outfit differently (Video Below), and I’m quite pleased with the way they came out! I usually force ask one of my friends or siblings to photograph me, but no one was around today haha!
I felt like experimenting with my outfit today, so I opted for this red body con skirt and paired it with this over size stripy top. I’m wearing Ruby Woo on my lips, and my hair was easily swept into a bun!
What do you think? 🙂 ..xo

Top : New Look
Skirt : H&M
Belt : Primark
Socks : Primark
Wedges : H&M
you look gorgeous and the pictures are beautiful. Especially like the stripey top!
😀 Love This!!
ahhhh!!!!! your gorgeous and you look like a model!!! omg so pretty
Love this, whole outfit is fabulous with a great combination of colours!
This is beautiful, you look like a model.
You have ammaaaaziing style, i love all your outfits:D
love your blog
your top kind of reminds me of of the cropped blazer thing rihanna was wearing in whats ma name, probs just the stripes lol skirts awsome to
LOVE the video, I keep watching it! Lol!
Gorgeous as usual.
love the outfit, nice colours! 🙂
Fabulous!! The lipstick looks perfect on you and I love the outfit!!
Fierce! You look like a professional model. Lovely outfit as well.
That skirt is gorgeous and love your hair such an easy up-do x
love the combination of block colours and pattern, very effortless!You look stunning.XOXO
Georgeus !!!! love the video,you should do more of those :), xoxo
OMH OMG OMG shirley, you have to model seriously, this outfit is stunning!!!!!! and of course you look amazing!!!
I love the outfit, you’re really beautiful and the new way of filming is good as well. 🙂
Very, very adorable outfit. The lipstick looks fantastic on you.
Love the colours in this outfit, they are so loud. I’m going to need a tripod as I never have anyone to take my pictures. Love Sia x
YOU LOOK ADORABLE 😉 I love your top!
Great photos, great post!
the pink skirt is perfect! :)! glad you finally got what you were after today hehe xxx
omg stunning outfit! love the pinky chain ring.
Fierce! You look fantastic!
Stunning. Simply beautiful, Shirley! xxx
u lok gorgeous as always,love it
This outfit is so gorgeous! You look seriously beautiful 🙂
Beautiful Shirley 🙂 you remind me of Chanel Iman in these photos x
OMG you looks gorgs in this picture. You are beautiful all the time, But really love your hair in a bun. And the bling in your eye 🙂
Love Daniella from Norway
love it! I loved the way the video started with you walking in view! And the colour combination=loves it!
Although your outfit is not my style at all you look awesome! I love the video too, you’re really talented and creative – keep up the good work 🙂 xxx
Ruby Woo is my fav lipstick 🙂 Its the most gorgeous lipstick in the whole world 😀
Lovely outfit, the skirt is absolutely gorgeous! I love your little video as well Shirley (:
You look AMAZING, a really bold outfit which i would love to have the confident to pull of!
Love it! You look gorgeous hunn xx
the best look eveeeer!
can you model please!
this outfit is gorgeous
Love this look! One of my favs thus far.
u look fierce! love the hot pink! 🙂 just followed your blog. come visit and hope you`ll follow my blog too. thanks!
Love this! I wore the same bun yesterday! Well close to it..lol. Gorg!
OMG! you are STUNNING!
I love your outfit choices.
love your blog.
J x
you be killin em’, girl you be killin em’ <3
I love this outfit! You are such an inspiration!