I absolutely enjoyed creating this Lookbook. From thinking up the concept of colour therapy to putting the outfits together. I love to give all of my energy to anything I create, and it sometimes takes a little time, but I’m always happy to have you all share in the excitement of bringing these ideas to life.
Amongst all the amazing things that I have been getting up to in the past couple of months, I have been taking some time every now and then to heal from a number of emotional problems I’ve had that stemmed from massive changes in my personal life. From losing my grandfather last December, to savouring the little time I get to travel and spend with my family who’ve moved abroad, as well as a bump along the road of finding love. It’s all been a growing process, that I am grateful to experience. Because that’s what life is about right? I always bare in mind that through it all I have to remember to be kind to myself, affirm myself, and love myself, and in turn do so to others. Being thankful and grateful for everything keeps me happy and hopeful that there are more good things to come.
I’d been doing some research and I came across Colour therapy:
“Colour therapy (also known as chromotherapy) is a complementary medicine. Colour therapists believe that it is possible to use light in the form of colour, to balance energy to help physical, mental or emotional problems.”
I guess you can say that this Lookbook has a lot to do with that healing process and balancing out the various energies that surround me, and after finding my way, I wanted to express myself through what I love to do… dancing around in cute clothes, but also attaching this deeper meaning to it. So the next time you feel like certain parts of your energy bubble needs a nudge, you can take a cue from this post and channel a bit of colour therapy in any area of your life, from your wardrobe or even to your living space!
I hope you enjoy it.
Red : Passion
enhances strength, courage, sensuality and vitality
ZARA Dress
OFFICE Heels (Similar)
Orange : Energy
enhances confidence, enthusiasm, ambition and self-motivation
IVY PARK Leggings
IVY PARK Bomber Jacket
ADIDAS Trainers
Yellow : Clarity
enhances intellect, communication, discipline and decision-making
Green : Harmony
enhances peace, hope, balance, forgiveness and growth
Blue : Tranquility
enhances inner peace, hope, loyalty and truth
Pink : Romance
enhances love, playfulness, innocence and tenderness
TOPSHOP Heels (Similar)
Music By
YES to that shirtdress!!! love, love LOVE 🙂
xo, coco | millennielle.com
Loved the idea of your Look book. Colour therapy is a great way to help with your moods and as you said, assist with healing. Hang in there and know that this too shall pass…although it annoys me no end when I’m healing but it’s true 🙂
Hey Shirley.
It is true that colours do give out certain feelings. I just didn’t know it was a “thing”, i.e chromatherapy. But now I know.Changes, especially when it has to do with family, can be really hard on anyone. Sorry for your loss. Stay you, stay strong, stay beautiful. I’m glad that your experiences shaped the idea behind this vibrant aand lively Lookbook. The hard situation and its resultant healing have taught you something new and good. Thank you for sharing that with us. God bless you dear even as you continue to navigate this thing called Life. XOXO
I LOVED this video! Made me so inspired to buy and include some more colorful pieces in my wardrobe!
I have been a follower for some time now and you are truly a beautiful spirit. Watching you has given me so much help in maturing into a young woman. I am 23 and in the process of reinventing my sense of style and I can contribute part of my success in watching your videos and learning how to be confident in the skin that I’m in.
Love all of these looks, can’t pick just one! Life is full of changes and we can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we do with it. Stay fearless and you will be great. Thanks for sharing!
Sincerest condolences to you and the family on the loss of a loved one.. Death reminds us that nothing lasts forever. Live in the moment that is today. Know that human beings are more important than money,fame,and things. Life is forever changing. Trust in yourself and keep God first.. You are worthy of love. Colors are great to uplift. Feed your mind,body,spirit and soul.. Blessings moving forward. Each situation,changes,and struggles are for us to gain wisdom and understanding.
These outfits are so refreshing Shirley. The blue and pink dress being my favs. You inspire me. Stay blessed.x
LOVE LOVE LOVED this video! Such a cool, new idea!
Great post Shirley. Loved your look book .Spring is all about colour! Love seeing the trees get fuller after long winters! Did a similar post. Welcome to check it out
I enjoyed watching the lookbook on you tube. And I must say my favourite looks are the black and yellow; blue shirt dress and the pink romantic look. I cannot wait to have an inspired look with one of the above mentioned looks on my blog.
I Love the Green dress, the Blue shirt Dress My favorite!!!! LOVE U Shirley!!! #kisses
I really love what you did with the video and explaining the meaning of of the colors, your videos are always perfect.
Love the concept of colour therapy! You look beautiful in all the outfits, but the first red dress and long floral dress are my favourites. Hope it helped you to feel better. x
Kate Louise Blogs
I love this idea. Great way to incorporate this concepts into you style.
Great post. I love the colours and you really look good in it.
hahahahaha, all your trips to Naija have definitely paid off. See you dancing like a proper Naija babe.
Love the video.
Dá para postar foto por foto ?
I absolutely LOVE the thought process behind this post… super creative and well executed! Keep these coming!
xx, Cleshawn | http://www.hometohem.com
I’ve watched this video only about a hundred times! :’)
It’s Munastic
[…] happened on Colour Therapy when the beautiful Shirley talked about it here and my boo Alma wrote about it […]
green dresss is so nice.thank you