The summer holz are here, and i have had some freakishly free time, like a LOT.
Too much in fact.
Sometimes i even get worried, thinking maybe there is something i’m supposed to do that i havn’t done!
My Friends and I have spent some days at home chillin’ and some nights at either the Local Bar or Clubbing in Central.

I’ve also had time to take my Little Brother Nathan out as well as spend time with the other Two.
Nathan Loves anything that moves, Buses, Trains, BOats etc but i guess most kids do! lol.
We’re going to the Natural History Musuem this Saturday, that should be fun.
This was on our Trip to Brent Cross.

The other CRaZy Two…
Kezia & Alan

She Stole borrowed my Dress!
I just felt like posting some of these pictures!
Thanks for Stopping By! 🙂

Aw your brother is a little cutie!!
Aww thx, i’ll let him know!