After the Sleek Event, Sammi, Hannah and I headed to Oxford Street for a bit of shopping!
We went into Topshop to have a little nosey around the New Makeup!
I bought a Blush in Neon Rose (£6.00) along with the Sun Star Eyeshadow Trio (£8.00), both from the SS ’10 Collection.
Neon Rose is a really pink creamy blush. It’s smooth to apply and the intensity can be built up, depending on what you’re going for. I’ve been into a lot of cream based products lately, including shadows. They are really easy to work with!
I love this Trio. It reminds me of the mineral trios MAC have. The colours are beautiful and are very pigmented! The pinky red is just Gorgeous!
We also popped into H&M!
Green Ruffle Dress (£9.99)
It was love at first sight when my eyes locked onto this green dress! I’ve been looking for a dress this colour! It’s so cute and it will be perfect on a Sunny Summer’s day! Just look at the ruffle detail, too Cute!
Red Striped Tee (£7.99)
I also picked up this Tee, to go with my Harem Pants and Fedora!
I have spent so much money in the last couple of weeks! Methinks a Spending Ban is needed! lol!
Did anything catch your eye from the new Makeup Line at Topshop??
I am sooo into cream blushes at the mo that looks pretty pretty!! 🙂 x
Hehe! It’s really pretty! 🙂 x
That eyeshadow Trio is really pretty! ^_^
The dumb SA told me blushes were £8. I need Crushed Berry in my life! I swatched that e/s trio yest too, it’s gawjus, def on my list too.
Those Topshop products look gorgeous!
I work at Topshop, but I’m on maternity leave at the moment, so I have missed the launch of the makeup, which I am gutted about!
I’m going to treat myself to a few bits though I think… I really want to try the lipsticks! xx
@Aru: It is isn’t it! x
@Vex: Haha, swear down?! I love the creaminess lol! x
@Tor: Aww! But yay, treat yourself! hehe! x
i love the shadow trio -very pretty & the blushh!!
I love those blushes, really wish I could have come to Topshop but Legally Blond called and I had to meet my mum lol!
@Mw: <3
@Sarah: Aww bummer! Next time eh? 🙂 x
I love the look of the creme blushes and i really like the red and white top from H&M. Great haul!
it was lovely to meet you two 🙂 i also picked up neon rose cream blush, it’s an awesome colour!
I absolutely adore my cream blush! You’re making me want that eyeshadow trio now too though!!! ;).
Love the summery colors!!
Thanks Girls! xx
@Hannah: Aww it was nice to meet you too! I love it!! hehe! x
@Dreams: Get it!! hehe! x
I bought that green dress earlier this week! I also got the one which had little black and white stripes! Bargain for only £9.99! I’m thinking of going back and getting the plain black one too as they’ll be perfect for summer (if we ever get a nice bit of sunshine!) They look like the type of style you’d expect to see in Topshop!
I popped into Primark straight after and bought 5 of their plaited belts for £1 as I thought they’d look great under the bust of the dresses – and they do! I bought a gold/silvery one which looks gorgeous teamed with the green dress! 🙂
@Sarah: OoO Thanks so much for your suggestion! Off to Primark I go! Hehe! 🙂 xx
these pictures are stunning what camera do you use?
@Rachel: Thanks sweets! Canon Ixus 80! 🙂 x
Im desperate to buy a couple of the cream blushers and the lipstick in Brighton rock – such an amazing bright pink!! but im on a spending ban… don’t you just hate being a skint student!!